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This session will explain the HIPAA Rules for Web Sites and Social Media. The secret is - HIPAA Rules are easy to follow, step-by-step - when you know the steps.
The HIPAA Rules, HHS/OCR guidance, Resolution Agreements provide a simple, easy to use blueprint using your Web Site and Social Media to engage patients and comply with HIPAA.
Areas Covered in the Session:-
Why you should Attend:-
Patient Engagement is a cornerstone of MACRA and MIPS. Communication technology offers indispensable patient engagement tools. Secure, certified technology is available. But provider Web Sites and Social Media are, by far, the engagement tools patients choose. Provider Web Sites and Social Media are inexpensive, easy to build, and almost universal today. However, Patient Engagement through Web Sites and Social Media poses serious risks of violating HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules.
Who Will Benefit:-